ESM Definition
Equipment Status Monitoring(ESM SYSTEM),Using the original 3-color Light or adding the opening door or parts detection Sensor to calculate the edge parameters such as the simple and real activation or the production capacity etc.,EMS System is suitable for all walks of life。
In addition, it can be customized to transmit data with the original client’s host system

ESM information board

ESM information board

Activation Inquire
Checking the statistical chart and trend chart of the activation at any time and quickly know the daily production status.

All kind of Resumes
The complete records of the system include the abnormal history, equipment and operation, easy to maintain and query.

Select ESM What are the advantages
Simple and non-intrusive quick installation, no tedious man-hours and no need to stop the line, equipment changes or new additions can be added and modified directly without waiting for the update software.